Sponsored by the

W. M. Keck Statistical Literacy Project


Invitation to Participate


You have been invited to complete a survey on statistical literacy commissioned by the W. M. Keck Statistical Literacy Project  This survey focuses on the general use of informal statistics in everyday situations: reading and interpreting tables and graphs involving rates and percentages. 


You have received this invitation because you are a member of the relevant population for this study and because we believe you are motivated to help improve statistical literacy.  Your opinions and beliefs on the topic are extremely important to us.  The information you supply in this survey will be presented to statistical educators for their use in shaping various curriculum in statistical literacy in schools and colleges throughout the world. 


Completing this survey will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes.  We apologize for the length, but this detail is needed to help us accurately identify the current level of statistical literacy.  Your participation is completely voluntary.  You may omit questions if you wish and you may simply withdraw by turning in your survey.  There are no direct incentives to induce you to take this survey and no direct rewards for completing this survey.  But as indicated previously, your participation is important.


For each question, circle the answer you think best.  Please don’t guess.  If you really don’t know the answer to a question after a reasonable time, just circle “Don’t know” and move on.  In taking this survey, you may become tense or frustrated.  If you need to stretch and take a break, you are welcome to do so.  Please do not talk with others who are working on their survey.  If you decide not to complete the survey, simply fill in the last page and turn in what you have completed.


In some cases there are right answers.  But in other cases there is no consensus on what is the right answer.  Your opinion will help determine what standards would be appropriate.


We want to assure you that privacy of your answers to this survey is guaranteed.  Do not identify yourself on anything you submit.  We will not add any individual identification.  The anonymous data obtained in this survey will be publicly available and may be used by researchers, educators and authors in various ways.  Your submission of your survey will signify your informed consent for such usage.


Please feel free to fill out the separate comment sheet with your comments, questions and concerns.  You may also contact us at the e-mail address shown below.


Thank you ever so much for your participation. 


Milo Schield, Ph.D. 

Professor of Business Administration, Augsburg College

Director of the W. M. Keck Statistical Literacy Project

Augsburg College IRB #2002-19-3  

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